Battle River Umpires
—— The “fun” umpire association
The Battle River Umpires Association (BRUA) offers contracted officiating services for fast-pitch softball leagues in Zone 5 of Alberta which includes: Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Parkland County, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Beaumont and other locations. If you are curious if your location is in Zone 5, you can view a non-exhaustive list of locations here.

Umpiring services of the BRUA are available for tournaments in our assigned district, as well as outside of our district with the proper protocol. The BRUA is affiliated with Softball Canada, Softball Alberta and the Alberta Softball Umpires Association.
If you have a local league and wish to umpire your own games, great!
We also offer training to your prospective umpires on Softball Canada theory and mechanics. This way you are assured that you have properly trained umpires officiating your games.
Alberta is proud to boast one of the best umpire programs in the country. If you are interested in learning a new avenue of the game of softball, we are always looking for interested individuals. Each year, there are Umpire Clinics held throughout the Province. Alberta is divided up into 8 zones / 10 branches, which all partake in the execution of successful softball events throughout the season.
The Canadian officiating program is recognized as the worldwide leader in training and performance. Softball Canada umpire activities include the certification process (Levels 1-5), specialized learning materials and publications and professional development opportunities at all levels.
Contact us for all your umpiring needs.
Our Mission
To provide quality officiating services for fast-pitch softball within Zone 5 of Alberta.
To help train and develop our umpires in rule knowledge, latest mechanics, and game management.
To provide encouragement to continue officiating, and strive towards attaining higher certification levels.